Sunday 24 February 2013

What is an opening sequence?

What is a film opening?

An opening sequence is the beginning of the film which give credits to all those companies and people involved in the production, distribution or exhibition of the film. The opening sequences are kept short but give an insight into the film. 
Some sequences start the film where a character is followed, or some however take the chance just to introduce the genre of the film by using music or a picture, using the sequence to credit others.
The opening sequence will also introduce all those actors involved in the film, some also introduce the actors with a picture of them on screen.

Genre Codes

Products within the media industry are categorized due to similarities within the narrative as well as its story-line. Different genres are attractive to different audience, therefore once a film in a particular genre does well, more films are produced to please that audience type. That audience will then be developed enough in that genre to feel connected and involved in the film.

Genre types involve:
1. Thriller
2. Romantic
3. Comedy
4. Action
Sub-Genre is a category within the film industry where a film crosses over with 2 types of genre, for example a Romantic-Comedy or Action Thriller. This pulls in a wide audience range as well as making the film arguably more interesting.


A film opening in which is in conventional order would normally open with a production companies indent followed by the distribution companies. After these would follow either the film title or an introduction to the actors involved. If an actor is not well known these titles would appear first. After the actors more people will be credited such as the costume designers, editors, music supervisors, casting agents, producers, directors and production designers etc. However all films will have different conventional orders depending on the importance or status of that particular company/person within the film industry. 

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