Tuesday 5 February 2013

Preliminary Task Evaluation

What I learnt

From carrying out a preliminary task prior to my own making of a film title I learnt the importance of how to use a camera correctly. I demonstrated within the task my own understanding of camera rules; rule of thirds, match on action editing, reverse reverse shot and the film followed the 180 degree rule. 

Rule of Thirds: compostion rule of thumb in photography 

Match on action editing: Coming closer to a certain object say a door. So you watch the hand go towards the door and then closely it matches the hand on the door so you watch the person go through.

Reverse reverse shot: I learnt how to do have a conversation between two people without making the conversation look fake and unrealistic. So therefore a reverse reverse shot shows one character and the answer from the other character.

180 degree rule: Finally I learnt that it is important to show the whole 180 degrees of the room or location you are filming within because otherwise the film would be confusing for viewers and unbelieveable. 

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