Wednesday 27 March 2013

Film Audience Research

Film Audience Research 

A Film audience is simply the type of people who are going to watch the film and these is visible for every film. However, although the view is mostly watched by the targeted audience most definitely you also get people outside of the target audience range who also view the film.
A films visual interpretation attracts its targets audience because of the way the producers have made the film 'look'. Colours and in particularly the name of the film will be targeted at different types of audiences. For example, Romantic Films are aimed at women in particular and especially young teenage girls with the idea of bright, happy colours; however in comparison an action film is targeted specifically at men because of the stereotypical fighting and deaths that occur within them.
Categorizing a film bases the film on the stereotypical factors of that certain type of people, however the film industry will include factors that attract different audiences in to widen their audience amount.

For example, The film 'LOLs' advertisement shows Miley Cyrus centralised immediately saying she is a main role within the film. This film therefore is already targeting Hannah Montana viewers as well as Disney viewers in general, this therefore will be targeting young girls in particular. We can also tell its target audience is girls due to the use of the colour pink, stereotypically linking a colour to a specific gender.  
Another Example of a target audience shown in the way the film looks is Flight Plan a drama film.  The look and colours are very sophisticated  making it obvious this film is not for young children. The use of dark colours makes the film modern, but however this film does not drawn in a particular gender audience.  

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